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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

ah... a new day.

"I like it like this. I liked having my mom hold me. My dad, too, back when we got along. But now...Squall, you're the one who gives me the most comfort. Comfort and happiness...and annoyance and disappointment, too!"

- Rinoa

LOL. i love this quote. lol.

heh. am playing ds recently.. loving the ro ds and kh 358/2 and miles edgeworth :D! OBEJECTION :D!

well, ro particularly made me choke up i guess.. lots of memories there.. especially with what happened recently. but im okay :). made an archer lol. :X the new job shaman looks cute :).

the dark knight looks damn cool haha. though i've yet to play that or even make that. lol.

somemore recently friends asking me play back RO.. ahaha.. boy do i miss that.. but its damn nostalgic and sometimes painful i guess. need time to heal :).. i guess what they say its true.

no one can kill the pain inside but you. :) its hard. but slowly. theres no rush. haha. i guess blogging helps me better. guess many people think its dead anyway.. :).

what.. doesn't kill you, will only make you stronger :D.

"Rinoa... Even if you end up as the world's enemy, I'll...I'll be your knight..."
—Squall's thoughts on Rinoa's situation.

Fight on 10/26/2010 10:21:00 PM

Monday, October 25, 2010

"A scattered dream that's like a far-off memory... a far-off memory that's like a scattered dream... i want to line the pieces up... yours and mine."

heh. well, The cycle ends once more.. i'm happy for everyone who stood by my side. honestly, i always thought i had no one. and that with my shattered childhood, although i appear okay, i'm not. but i learnt now that.. there are always people for me. i also always thought no one was by my side for me. but i was always there. i hated that fact.. but i guess i didn't see the people here who were here all along. haha. i'm really thankful. this incident has indeed tore a huge hole in my heart.. but i think i can nurse it back well. because of all the support you guys are giving me.

The cycle is endless. love is a gamble. either you risk it.. or you fail. there is only 2 outcomes. there isn't one there hanging like vaguely or whatever. but i've seen the outcome now.. and i accept it. i do hope if you are reading this.. you have a good life. :). But i acknowledge my fault too. :). you wanna say its all my fault.. sure. i accept it too. You've helped me grown as a person. no longer moping and weak. now its strong and good :). we all have a turning point in our lives.. but there are somethings that just don't change to matter how painful things got. :).

these friends are near and dear. and this post is dedicated to you.

... if YOU are reading.. you are probably scoffing at how ridiculous or bullshit or whatever lies i've weaved.. i can only say sorry.

our lives begin anew. A new story, a new chapter untold.

how you hold on to these series of events, is entirely up to you. for me, i thank you and it was a pleasure knowing you. Thanks for being there for me. and helping me realise there were indeed so many people here for me.

i'm glad you probably have a good life too. :). take care ba.

and to everyone who was here.. despite heavy advicing.. nagging.. and everything.. thank you. :).

Fight on 10/25/2010 08:06:00 PM

everything that has a start, has an end.

but yet, everything that has an end, has a new start.

infact, it never ends. and the cycle continues. There is no way to break out. no way to stop it. unless you stop your heart and emotions.

sometimes i stop.. and see my phone for your messages. which doesn't seem to come anymore. but its okay.

we all got to move on.

perhaps in the end, i am your toy after all.

but, at least i was used well.. lol.

You don't need my encouragement ... but i gave u it anyway. i do hope you do well ^^.

... and so it ends,

yet.. so it begins anew.

Fight on 10/25/2010 09:50:00 AM

Monday, October 18, 2010

been so long since i've blogged.

but this time, its with a heavy heart. i won't hide my tears. i know i've wronged you. We went through so much.. i guess... your happiness just got to me and i would do anything to make you happy. so now there goes my chances. there is no one to blame but myself. like you said, i am the worst guy alive.. its a brand. one.. i intend to remember well. not for me to use it against you if we do be friends again. but rather.. a reminder that i was this lousy and this fucked up.. there is nothing i can do to change time now. everything now is set in stone.. and like u said, i've dug my own grave. i just wish to let you know that i'm truly sorry for what happened... and.. really. i know its just words... words.. which mean nothing now. but.. i always say last msg last msg.. but in truth, i dont want to harass you.. but i just want you to know it really hurts inside. There are no more cards to play. i've told you my biggest problem.. and yet you used it against me... thats just.. so sad. haha. sigh.

several people are trying to change what i am going to leave behind.. they think you don't deserve anything from me.. and that i am insane for leaving u so many stuff.. but.. i think you deserve them. every single one of it.

what am i to you? nothing.

even you smsing me now mocking me.. honestly, i would still be happy that you messaged me.

i miss you terribly.. and i nearly avoided THE "gates". but how long can i avoid? i must go in one day. and leave everything behind. You said you wouldn't remember me and as long as i'm around you wont have peace.. nah. i dont think so. i made a promise... despite breaking it 2 times, i'm going to keep it now. i won't contact you anymore. i just wish that you have a great life.. i am... still not going in yet.. i need some time to buy some stuff and whatnot. you might not ever see this. i don't blame you. i just wish you have a good life.. haha... take care bah. :)

sorry for everything.

Fight on 10/18/2010 08:03:00 PM

Thursday, May 20, 2010

wah! 2 days.. 2 updates :D i guess i have lots to say? haha

finally had some time so can meet up with my fellow dpa mates today was lol. had another 2 hr 30 min break coz mr tan gotta attend graduation ceremony.. so spent playing games in class.. then went to eat and go to maths.. after maths finished went to camp at lvl 3 till 6 and went to meet elizabeth, shaun, gabriel, desmond and khidir :D! to celebrate khidir's birthday XD!

Went to clementi and went to its shopping centre to eat ramen since birthday boy wants to eat ramen. lol. got very nice deals. 1 set meal free 1 bowl of ramen. awesome :D! shared the ramen with gabriel. then sat around and chat about various stuff.. then went to arcade to play some games lolol. like jubeat, daytona, tekken 6.. haha.. mostly gabriel, shaun and elizabeth played jubeat.. me and khidir and desmond played various things ike daytona.. and tekken 6. lolol. but mainly tekken 6 was me and desmond only. LOL. things were so epic xD! match results was 2-4 i think? lol. but try nice desmond :D!

then after that head down to the base of the shopping centre.. while we were deciding where to eat the cake.. lol.. i saw a guy drive up with a balloon sticking out the window.. i at first thought was some random balloon.. then i looked closer it had the words "will you marry me?" printed on it! wow. a wedding proposal! Sadly, i felt for the guy.. the girl kinda look uninterested even when the guy winded down the window and took out a bouquet of flowers.. :(.. even when she eventully got into the car, she still looked so pissed and uninterested... even when the guy was smiling brightly and trying to get her attention and passing her the flowers.. :( i hope everything goes well for them..

anyway then we decided to just eat the cake at the roadside LOL!! wtf! LOL. ate with tissues and went into mos burger to get more tissues.. the cake tasted really weird LOL. had some berries in it.. xD. but still good .. i hope.

anyway then took the train back with gabriel and caught up on certain things.. haha..

overall a fun night for me :).. tomorrow school! leon's lesson.. photoshop @_@

:) until then!

"you can't twist the story to your own liking. there has to be a balance to everything."

Fight on 5/20/2010 11:32:00 PM

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

wow.. never update.. time for one then..

hello everyone! :D

ahh.. where should i start? :S poly life has been.. hmm great? heh. like my new friends :D. they're really helpful. thanks guys :D

all the lecturers are quite nice too.. heh. i like leon and mr tan's classes :D. very informative.

things are starting to get hectic.. everyone is like getting into sync.. i think a gap will soon form.. although im not sure.. i hope everyone can improve together.. so nobody gets left behind.. hahah.. although thats a little wishful thinking? O_o.. lets hope so ba..

currently doing my crs when i had a suddenly urge to blog. lol.

i have to thank remedy for coming to sp to give a talk about alan wake :D. really liked it alot. especially the suspense.. i just finished the game a yesterday :D. had a xbox360 for that. heheh. and been loving it so far. awesome game. so many mysteries.. imagine a bulldozer w/o any pilot just wanting your death.. epic. epic. Ending is disappointing yet understandable. @_@

anyway.. life has been going great.. everythings fine and dandy :D. learnt that somethings can't be helped. best u can only do your best. and even when u do your best and get slammed for NOT doing anything.. lol. thats when its really bullshit haha.. but things are like that.. even if u try to change them.. its like that. oh well @_@ haha. live with it.. everyone has their problems anyway..what makes me any different? :) even if this ends up in smoke again.. at least i know i did really do my part. haha :D.

i'm also happy for some people. :) at least they have found their happiness.. heh.. ah well.. life goes on.

oh yeah! if anyone out there hasn't caught kickass.. u guys must catch it. its really awesome :D!!

lol. i still dont get how i can make some people jealous. lol. but i hope i didn't trigger a series of events to make that person's life difficult.. if i did im terribly sorry.. :\.

oh yeah.. and fc4 and 6 are horrible coz its so hard to get food and seats >:(!

lol.. thats about it ba.. =)

"Its all a lie."

"Change yourself.. with your own hand to suit her.. but remember.. What was once taken for granted cannot be gained back by trying harder. So in the end, it may be pointless after all.. but at least you have learnt many things.."

Fight on 5/19/2010 08:58:00 PM

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

time for another update! if anyone is reading at all. LOLOL. oh well. just a place to say what i wanna say xD!

Hello all DDM/FT/1A/02!

hope i can work great with you guys xD

met my class liao.. although not very close yet, getting closer day by day ba.. more conversations and everything.. i guess things take time ba. best be get to know everyone so hopefully can forge some strong bonds :)

anyway orientation going smooth so far.. ah i want my new laptop :(.

i caught men who stare at goats yesterday with kevin. thats right!! xD! MEN WHO STARE AT GOATS LOLOLOL.

Below is the trailer :X.

yeap. LOL.

When i bought the tickets, the movie guy told me

"Enjoy your movie! you'll be staring at goats!"

me and kevin were like wtf. LOL. then we went up the staircase, to the cinema and guess what greeting out sight? lol.

oh yeah. looks promising.. LOLOL.

but went in anyway.. watched it.. quite nice! 7/10. had a quite solid storyline for something so ridiculous lolol.

some funny phrases xD

"we must be the first superpower to have superpowers!"

""and in today's top breaking story, we have found out that the US military uses this purple dinosaur, barney's, music by playing it 24 hours a day and 7 days a week to torture their POWs"

There was a part they were checking on the prisoners, when they opened a small window to have a peep, they were greeted by the sight of a prisoner curled up in a corner traumatized and the barney's "i love you.. you love me.." was playing in the background.

yeah. lol. u seen right. barney kills @_@.. well.. after the movie homed.. that was for wednesday!

Today was really awesome! blackjack outing ftw!

after SPICE training, we when to moberly.. played a little pool.. then we all set off to clarke quay's settler's cafe. quite awesome place. $6 dollars and 4 hours to play whatever board games u want. and they have so many to choose from! and adding another $6, you can get a main course of chicken chop, sauages or fish and chips and their proportion is quite awesome. woot. We played dividens (i think its spelt like that? lol) basically a stock board game. I kept red stocks and NEVER sold them. lol and everyone was like aiming, raping and targetting me. @_@. lol. at least i still had a little money at the end of the game. Yi xuan you lucky guy xD!. then, we played this game called know it or blow it.. question based game.. quite fun too. had to answer as a team. and some of the question are really damn zai and hard. at the same time, some were really ridiculous lol. After that, played some taboo. xD..

Reminds me of in a previous Taboo game,

"where do you celebrate national day?!"



We overall still won, but still good game guys :D.

Took a group photo which i kinda looked horrible in lol.

After that homed. Took to dg and changed to red line. Chatted about quite many things on the train back home. lol.

Should i create facebook and/or twitter? LOL.

hmm.. see how ba.

Awesome outing guys! We should meet up again!

Oh btw, these 2 bears caught my attention. lol. yeah. idk why. seriously. no im not gay or anything. just find them kinda cute stuffed like that. lol.

"life is sad."

"Oh yeah? hmm. smile more then! then it'll be different!"

"Thats true! :)"

Fight on 4/14/2010 10:17:00 PM


Birthday:25th JUNE!

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Skin by: yoka
Brushes: X X X X X
Images: Final fantasy XIII